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nuclear deterrent 核威懾力量。

nuclear division

Nuclear deterrence remains an essential element of our defense policy . the credibility , safety , reliability , and effectiveness of the nation s nuclear deterrent must remain unquestioned . but it must be adapted to 21st century deterrence needs 至今中國的經濟大多仍在舊式經濟理論下運行,其觀念就像是說,當時加煤如果能夠加得更快,那鐵達尼號便不致沉沒。

France had by then made itself truly independent of american military power ( unlike the british ) by building its own nuclear deterrent from scratch and , in 1966 , leaving nato ' s integrated command structure 法國通過從頭開始建立起自身核威懾力量,以及在1966年脫離北約的聯合指揮體系,使自己擁有了一支真正的不依賴于美國的軍事力量(不同與英國) 。

As long as nuclear deterrent remains to be an important security consideration or military option , the us should n ' t bind itself up by approving the ctbt 只要美國的國家安全還依賴核威懾,美國就不能停止核試驗。保守派歷來對ctbt持反對態度,此次共和黨否決該條約也是這一傳統政策的延續。

“ you can ' t expect us to stand here naked . “ - the reasoning behind pakistan ' s development of a nuclear deterrent force , 1 november 2001 你不能指望我們赤裸裸地站在這里。巴基斯坦發展核子阻嚇武力背后的理論, 2001年11月1日。

India ' s nuclear test in 1998 angered the chinese ; some indian politicians had suggested that the nuclear deterrent had been developed with china in mind 1998年印度的核試激怒了中國,而一些印度政客聲稱中國還存有核威懾的想法。

The proper response was to renew the tried - and - tested nuclear deterrent , based on trident missiles 對這些恰當的反應是更新久經考驗的基于三叉戟導彈的核威懾力量。

If the demands are not met , kim said pyongyang would strengthen its nuclear deterrent 金桂冠說,如果不滿足這些要求,北韓將加強自己的核威懾力量。

The nuclear deterrent has maintained an uneasy peace since world war 自第二次世界大戰以來核威懾就一直維持著一種緊張不安的和平。

The nuclear deterrent 核威懾力量。

Nuclear deterrent weapon 核子反制武器

Us quot; nuclear situation reexamination quot; - transform of nuclear deterrent strategy 析美國核威懾戰略的變化

There were doubts about the credibility of the nuclear deterrent 有人懷疑核子威懾力量的可信度。

He thought there was too much detail on sharing the nuclear deterrent . 他認為對共享核威攝力量的討論太煩瑣。